Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ghana deports 38 Chinese arrested for gold mining

China says 38 of its citizens have been arrested and deported after being caught allegedly mining gold illegally in the west African country of Ghana.

A statement seen Sunday on the website of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana says 40 Chinese citizens were recently detained in Obuasi district in southern Ghana.

It says investigations by security authorities in Ghana found one person not guilty, while another was released on bail. It says the remaining 38 Chinese were deported because they had no residence or work permit or license to mine. It was unclear whether they had been prosecuted.

The embassy says the 38 were already back in China on Thursday.


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Vice President Biden Campaigns in Florida

Vice President Joe Biden continues his tour through Florida with an event in Fort Myers on Saturday.? He postponed his visit to the state in August because of Hurricaine Issac.?

During the?event, which will be held at the Wa-Ke Hatchee Park Recreation Center, Vice President Biden discusses the Administration's plan to "continue to restore middle-class security by investing in the things we need to create jobs and grow our economy over the long term, like education, energy, innovation, and infrastructure."?

Both campaigns have been in the state on a regular basis: President & First Lady Obama were both in the state last week, as was Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.?

Updated: 4 hr., 45 min. ago


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Butterflies' astounding tale revealed in 3-D movie

A new movie is bringing to theaters the tale of the discovery of monarch butterflies' astonishing migration ? a journey that remained shrouded in mystery up until the 1970s.

Based on a true story, the 3-D film "Flight of the Butterflies," which will be shown at IMAX theaters, chronicles the groundbreaking work of scientist Fred Urquhart, a man who spent many years trying to figure out where the iconic butterflies went during the cold winter months. They simply seemed to disappear.

Yet Urquhart's investigations ? and his invention of the first butterfly-tracking tags ? eventually uncovered a tale so strange it seemed more like fiction than fact.

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It turns out that the dainty insects fly thousands of miles, from Mexico to the northern United States and Canada, and then back again, all over the course of about four generations.

Their story begins in a single swath of pine forest in central Mexico, where the butterflies spend the winter months clinging to the trees by the millions, barely moving, stuck in a sleepy torpor.

Come springtime, the monarchs begin to stir. They mate, and then begin to fly north. Over the course of several generations they travel through Texas, the Midwest, New England and still farther, until they alight on milkweed plants growing in the farthest reaches of their northward journey. This final generation of north-flying butterflies lays eggs, and then dies.

Then, the generation of butterflies born at these highest latitudes turns southward, and flies hundreds and hundreds of miles ? retracing the paths of their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents ? all the way back to that patch of Mexican fir forest.

It is still unknown how this long-lived "super-generation" of monarchs knows to make the long journey home to a land they've never seen.

Thanks to the immersive 3-D Giant Screen environment, audiences can see intimate details of this astonishing journey. The film offers an up-close look at the metamorphosis from egg to pupa to caterpillar to butterfly, along with stunning footage captured in the butterfly forests of Mexico. [ Video: See the movie trailer ]

Although the film is an uplifting one, the story of the monarchs' struggle is tinctured with tragedy.

Monarch populations have faced significant declines over the last two decades, hit hard by a steep reduction in milkweed across North America. Milkweed is the only plant upon which the butterflies lay their eggs. Due to herbicide use and farming practices in the United States, milkweed has disappeared from some 140 million acres in the last 10 years.

Box-office money from the film will help fund butterfly conservation efforts, according to a statement from the production company.

The 3-D, big-screen film "Flight of the Butterflies" opens in select theaters in the United States and Canada on Oct. 1, and will continue to roll out at additional theaters into 2013.

For more information on the film, visit this site.

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3 Reasons Weight Loss Is Hard : Diet women. | How Can You Lose ...


Health fitness and weight Loss. why are they so Hard to achieve?

We all know the drill eat less, exercise more and you lose weight. Except you don?t. And while you are starving yourself and running yourself ragged and feeling the pain and exhaustion All you get for all that effort is hunger and fatigue. You may lose a few pounds for a short time, mainly you lose health, energy and the will to keep on. So why is weight loss so hard? There are six Reasons that I know of for this. Today we are talking about the 3 main ones and the first one is:

1. Over emphasis on the least important goals. Health is more than just not being sick. fitness is more than being able to do a step class without collapsing. Both health and fitness are more than just tools used to spur on weight loss. Energy, vibrancy, loving life, strength, flexibility and stamina are more important than a number on the scale. We are told to exercise in order to lost weight, and occasionally to look better but not because it is essential to vibrant health.

You are told to exercise to lose more weight. Not to be stronger, Not for more energy, not to increase mobility, not for flexibility not for any of those life enhancing, longevity increasing benefits. Just to help you to lose weight. The goal of exercise is usually just weight loss, not fitness. There is a logic to this. Muscles burn more fat, so if you build muscles so you can burn more fat, and lose more weight. Losing weight on its own is not very compelling. You need a benefit that is worth all that effort. How about, you will feel better, have fun, be able to do things again. The exercises you are told to do are long, tedious and boring, and tiring. No wonder we have trouble exercising regularly. If you are going to succeed at something at anything, your reason for doing it has to provide more pleasure and less pain than not doing it. A step class may do it for some, especially if you have an entertaining instructor. But for most people, the gym is not as appealing as the neighbourhood bakery.

You are told to eat salads because they are low calorie and will help you lose weight. Seldom are you told to eat them because they add nutrition, because they boost the immune system, because they clear out toxins, or even that the right foods can increase your energy. No. You are told to eat foods that will help you lose weight. This is the same problem. There is no pleasure in feeling hungry all the time. So do you really think you will be able to push aside the pleasure of food and starve yourself for days, weeks even months at a time, just so those numbers on the scale will go down.

Don?t get me wrong. I am all for losing excess weight. It is a real health issue. I am currently overweight. And I am trying to lose 15 pounds (was 18, making progress)? But it is not the only issue. It is not even the most important issue.

One of my personal goals, as I just said is to lose 15 pounds. It?s a number on a scale. But that is not the main goal. It is not compelling enough. Not even close.

I want to be able to climb stairs without being short of breath,carrying in the groceries 4 bags at a time instead of just 2, to be able to bend over and look under the counter if I drop something and not having to ask a younger member of the household to do it for me. To take the dogs for a run. Push the grandkids on the swing, catch them on the slide and race them to the merry-go-round without feeling like a wrung out dishrag. When weight loss becomes the main issue, you don?t solve these problems. In fact you make them worse.

How can weight loss make things worse? I have seen them all over. In the grocery store, on the street, at the mall. The thin fatties. They are not big. They are not obese. What they are, is visibly weak, and fragile. Their skin is not filled out with healthy toned muscle. It is loose and sagging. Their bodies are limp, almost shapeless. How does this happen? They have lost weight by way of whatever trick worked for them (starvation diets, fad diets, even over exercise) without any thought to their overall health and well being. Doing whatever it takes to lose the weight. That is the mantra: lose the weight lose the weight. Health strength and vibrancy need to be the main goals. If I can achieve that then weight loss will happen as a bi-product.

Being Fat is a common result of being unhealthy. The result, not the cause. Those thin fatties are noticeably unhealthy because of their fat. If you could round them up and measure their body fat percentage you may be surprised. In their efforts to lose weight at any cost have they lost muscle? Yes! You can see it. Bone? Have they lost bone? Most likely. Osteoporosis rates are rising too, not just obesity rates. Have they lost water? Absolutely. Have they lost fat? again absolutely, BUT in terms of percentages, probably less of a percentage of fat than the water, muscle and bone. Make health and fitness the number 1 goal, and you can lose fat without these problems.

2. We are given the wrong information. Have you ever heard that you need to eat low fat, low calorie foods. Have 5 to 10 servings of fruit and veggies and 5 servings of grain. This is about half right. I remember my friends at work acting like martyrs while eating their rice cakes. Rice cakes, tasteless pieces of eatable cardboard. It gave them no pleasure, no nutrients, did not satisfy their hunger but they ate them because they were low calorie. They may have been low calorie, but they were equally as low in nutrition. And because they were high on the glycemic index, most likely they caused a spike in blood sugar followed by the crash and they were hungrier than they were before they had that snack. All that sacrifice for nothing ! Calories are important, but not important enough to bother counting. If you have to count something. Count nutrients. Eat more nutritious food today than you did yesterday. You can find high nutrition foods that taste good. Experiment. Broccoli is a great food from a nutritional stand point. My husband loves steamed broccoli. I do not like it. but I have discovered that I do like it raw. I have tried cauliflower half a dozen different ways. I did not like any of them. So I don?t eat it. There are so many good foods in the world there is no reason to eat anything that does not give you pleasure. Don?t be afraid to experiment. Try them raw, steamed, stir fired, or roasted or in a soup or in a smoothie. Try them with spices, without spices. Keep trying new things until you find a dozen veggies you like. Then always have them on hand. Fruits make a great snack, much better than rice cakes. Now here is the biggest thing. Grains.

4 to 5 servings of whole grains will keep you fat. Many people cannot tolerate grain especially wheat, rye and barley. That is why you see so many products labeled ?gluten free?. Even if you do not have a sensitivity to gluten (the protein in wheat, rye and barley) grains put on the weight. This was really brought home to me when, at a restaurant, they had a little sign explaining how the cows they used were organically raised, hormone free and finished with grain for a full 2 weeks before slaughter. Those 2 weeks is what gave their meat a nice fat marbling. It was a great sales pitch for their steaks but I was struck by the time line. 2 weeks of grain, just 2 weeks made their cattle fat. It makes you and I fat too. This is more true for some people than for others and may change within an individual as they age. There was a time when bread did not make me fat. That changed in my mid thirties. I didn?t figure it out until recently. If you have trouble with weight gain, stop eating grains. while you are at it cut out sugars too. Now just so we are clear, by ?grains? I do not just mean your morning oatmeal. It is anything made with or from wheat, oats, rice, corn, barley and rye. Quinoa is okay, it is not really a grain, it is more like a grain substitute. Lots of nutrition, but fewer of the problems.

Flour can be ground from any of these grains but wheat is what most flour is made from. So that means cut back on bread, cakes, cookies, breaded meats (no chicken nuggets). and Stop worrying about fat in your food. Yes a gram of fat has more calories than a gram or anything else. but it also does not cause a spike in your insulin, so it is less likely to be stored as fat and it triggers that part of the brain that controls hunger. You will eat less of everything if you include natural-not man made-fats in your meal. So the fat has more calories per ounce, but you will have less calories per meal once you body adapts to your new eating pattern. Fats are not the bad guy. I am amazed at how many people, trying to lose weight will have dry toast for breakfast, even though they don?t like it, because they think it will help them lose weight. It is the bread that they are still eating that puts the weight on, not the butter that they have given up. Oh, and I have to say if you are going to throw away part of your egg, stop with the shell. Egg yolks are truly a super food. An entire chick can be grown from the nutrition in just one yolk. It has to have just about everything a body can need.

We are also given wrong information about exercise. Hours of aerobics just make you tired. Yes you need to add movement and exercise to your day. It just doesn?t have to be long hours in a gym, Walk to the store, or to work if you can. If that is not possible, park as far from the door as you feel you can comfortably manage. Take the stairs instead of the elevator if you can. Learn some stretches. Take a walk. Breathe. How many people went to the gym a hundred years ago. There were a few. But not many. They moved more all throughout the day. We need to add movement to our day. Most important short sprints do as much, maybe more for you than long duration exercises.

Sprints build you up, are easier to do, less abusive to your joints. Long duration exercises wear you down.

3. We may fear being thin. I am talking about a deep down feeling. One you may not be aware of. It?s hard to fight something you don?t even know is there. So take a moment and think. Is there some way being fat serves you? Maybe you need some examples. There are many reasons why you may want to stay fat. Eating comfort food can be a stress reliever, enough so that deep down you do not want to give it up. It is too big a price to pay for the benefits you believe you will gain. Fat can be a wall of protection. If you are feeling vulnerable could this be true for you. Fat can make you feel safe. I had, actually still have, this problem. When my first husband became ill, the first and only obvious symptom was weight loss. As he lost, I gained. You don?t need to be a therapist to figure that one out. Being thin feels dangerous. Even though I am now aware of this irrational feeling it is still there. When I get on the scale and see it has moved down a little I am happy of course; but happy is the 2nd feeling. Even now the first reaction is of unease, fear. If the way you think about yourself, and/or your weight is only a minor obstacle, and if you are able to identify it, you can deal with it. If it is more major, or if you suspect there is something but are not quite sure, you may need help. The way I am dealing with it is through visualization. I am visualizing myself thinner but in a context where I am also strong, healthy, happy, and active. I am also trying out a technique called EFT or tapping. (that may be the subject of another blog post). Thinner has to start to feel safe. Notice, thinner, not thin. I will be happy at just not being obese. Maybe when I get there, I will be able to go a little further. I don?t know. I have picked a goal, a goal that should be a healthy weight, not a thin weight. It is a weight that is right for me. I am trying to be healthy. It is not necessary to fit into anyone else?s image of who I should be or what I should look like.

I am working on this. Wish me luck. If you working on improving your health too, I also wish you luck. I would like to hear about your challenges, successes and failures. Please visit my website and leave a comment.

The author has a blog devoted to healthy aging, particularly for ?baby-boomer?s?. She researches and reports on simple, easy, exercises, nutrition, and weight loss strategies. Visit the blog, leave a comment. Even offer an opposing opinion if you like. The site was set up to encourage thought and discussion on a topic we all have to deal with one way or another. Making the next 50 years as good or better than what has gone before.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

United States Navy Names Ship After Neil Armstrong

Yea, shit like this is why I occasionally pray for a military coup d'?tat - hey, it's not like they could do any worse than the pirate ringmasters who currently run this freakshow, right?

Except that those who might conceivably commit a coup are NOT the ones you'd want running things. There are a lot of great people in our military, but there are some really scary people too (I'm specifically thinking of the far right "Christians" like Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley), and the good people would not be the ones to get involved in a coup. Be careful what you wish for.

The problem with your theory is that some of those "scary people" you mention support the current system and regime, and thus would probably not want it to fall, as that would be detrimental to their own agendas.

That's the thing about rhetorical hypotheticals - you can't honestly say, "it will go down this way," because there's no way of knowing for sure unless said event actually occurs. While your scenario holds merit, it's equally meritorious to believe that some rather non-scary people would lead the


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Analysing The Evidence On DNA

Greg Hampikian
Director, Idaho Innocence Project
Professor, Departments of Biological Sciences and Criminal Justice
Boise State University
Boise, Idaho

When police find DNA at a crime scene, the amount and how it's handled are crucial components in solving a case. Greg Hampikian, Director of the Idaho Innocence Project, discusses the use and misuse of DNA analysis, and why he says all DNA evidence is not created equal.


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Huge Sumatran quakes in April a step in tectonic plate breakup

Planet Earth may be 4.5 billion years old, but that doesn't mean she can't serve up a shattering surprise now and again.

Such was the case on April 11 of this year when two massive earthquakes erupted beneath the Indian Ocean, far from the usual danger zones. Now scientists say the seafloor ruptures are part of a long suspected, yet never before observed, event: the slow-motion splitting of a vast tectonic plate.

The first of the quakes, a magnitude 8.7, was 20 times more powerful than California's long anticipated "big one" and tore a complex network of faults deep in the ocean floor. The violence also triggered unusually large aftershocks thousands of miles away, including four off North America's western coast.

"It was jaw-dropping," said Thorn Lay, a professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz. "It was like nothing we'd ever seen."

At first, Lay wondered whether the computer code he used to analyze earthquakes was wrong. Eventually, he and other scientists realized that they had documented the break-up of the Indo-Australian plate into two pieces, an epic process that began roughly 50 million years ago and will continue for tens of millions more. Lay and other scientists reported their findings online Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Most great earthquakes occur along plate borders, where one plate dives beneath the adjoining plate and sinks deep into Earth's mantle, a process called subduction. The April 11 quakes, however, occurred in the middle of the plate and involved a number strike-slip faults, meaning the ground on one side of the fault moves horizontally past ground on the other side.

Scientists say the 8.7 main shock broke four faults. The quake lasted 2 minutes and 40 seconds ? most last just seconds ? and was followed by a second 8.2 main shock two hours later.

Unlike the magnitude 9.1 temblor that struck in the same region on Dec. 26, 2004, and created a deadly tsunami, the April 11 quake did not cause similar destruction. That's because horizontally moving strike-slip faults do not induce the massive, vertical displacement of water that thrust faults do on the borders of plates.

The type of interplate faults involved in the Sumatran quakes are the result of monumental forces, some of which drove the continent of India into Asia millions of years ago and lifted the Himalayan Mountains. As the Indo-Australian plate continues to slide northwest, the western portion of the plate, where India is, has been grinding against and underneath Asia. But the eastern portion of the plate, which contains Australia, keeps on moving without the same obstruction. That difference creates squeezing pressure in the area where the quakes occurred.

The study authors say that over time, as more quakes occur and new ruptures appear, the cracks will eventually coalesce into a single fissure.

"This is part of the messy business of breaking up a plate," said University of Utah seismologist Keith Koper, senior author of one of the studies. "Most likely it will take thousands of similar large quakes for that to happen."

The quake was also notable for triggering powerful aftershocks thousands of miles away. While major quakes have been known to trigger aftershocks at great distance, they are usually less than 5.5 in magnitude. The April earthquake triggered 11 aftershocks that measured 5.5 or greater in the six days that followed the main shock, including one as big as magnitude 7. Remote shocks were felt 6,000 to 12,000 miles from the main quake.

Fred Pollitz, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and lead author of one of the studies, said the quake was extremely effective in transmitting seismic wave radiation around the world. Though the magnitude of the Sumatran quake is No. 10 on the list of historic quakes, Pollitz said no other quake has triggered so many strong aftershocks so far away.

"It's the most powerful earthquake ever in terms of capability of putting stress on other fault zones around the world," he said.

Pollitz said the quake is likely to teach seismologists about the physics of earthquakes, particularly those along strike-slip faults. That knowledge, he said, would certainly apply to the San Andreas fault, which is also a strike-slip fault.

Lay said that the quake was most surprising in that it was completely unanticipated by seismologists and that he did not expect to event to repeat itself any time soon.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

NAACP to file complaint over entry test for elite New York high schools

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The largest U.S. civil rights group plans to file a complaint on Thursday over the admissions test at New York City's specialized high schools, among the nation's most elite public schools, citing effective discrimination against black and Latino students, the group said.

The complaint with the U.S. Department of Education focuses on eight schools in the city, particularly on Stuyvesant High and Bronx Science, which boast stellar alumni including several Nobel laureates, famed actors and musicians, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

While more than half the population of New York City is black or Latino, black students made up only 1.2 percent of the Stuyvesant student body last year, while Latino students represented 2.4 percent, city data showed.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which is filing the complaint, said the highly competitive, 2-1/2-hour, multiple-choice Specialized High School Admissions Test was at fault for the disparity.

"Year after year, thousands of academically talented African-American and Latino students who take the test are denied admission to the Specialized High Schools at rates far higher than those for other racial groups," the NAACP said in a draft of its complaint shared with media outlets on Wednesday before the Thursday filing.

If the department investigates and finds New York is in breach of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, it can sanction the city by withholding federal funding until the breach is resolved, the NAACP said.

The city's Department of Education said in a statement on Wednesday it was bound by state law to admit students based "solely on an exam."

"We want all of our students to have opportunities to prepare for the test no matter their zip code," it said, adding more black and Hispanic students were offered specialized high school seats last year than in the previous two years.


The NAACP said in its complaint that the test had never been shown to predict reliably a student's academic potential, and breached the Civil Rights Act by having an "unjustified, racially disparate impact."

It said that other elite, academically successful schools in New York City that use broader criteria such as a student's grade-point average, attendance, teacher recommendations, interviews and writing samples had far higher enrollments of black and Latino students.

"To use a standard test that has no demonstrative relationship to past academic achievements or future academic potential seems wrong," Damon Hewitt, the education director at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, said in an interview.

"Quite literally, a kid could have straights ?A's from kindergarten to Grade 8, could have won a national spelling bee." he added, "But none of that matters - all that matters is the test."

Rapper Himanshu Suri, who was vice president of the Stuyvesant student union from 2001 to 2002, said knowledge of and preparation for the test varied widely across neighborhoods, and that the school, where Asians make up more than two-thirds of the student body, suffered for its lack of diversity.

"In the Asian community in Queens, from a very young age, you know about Stuyvesant, you know about that test," he said in an interview, adding the city should do more to reach students who may not have parents like his, who started talking about the test with him while he was still a pre-teen.

"These are schools for the brightest students in New York City," he added. "We're saying something wrong if we're saying New York City's brightest students are almost all Chinese or Korean."

(Editing By Cynthia Johnston and Peter Cooney)


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Tycoon offers $65M to man who woos gay daughter

Cecil Chao Sze-tung is Hong Kong's perennial playboy. Call him the city's Hugh Hefner, minus the pajamas and add a pair of shades.

Never married, real estate and shipping tycoon Chao, 76, has been a staple of the Hong Kong tabloid and social rags since the 1970s. For over 40 years he's proudly paraded what seems to be an endless supply of female arm candy in front of the flashing bulbs.

Tales of his romantic dalliances are tabloid staples. He once boasted about having slept with over 10,000 women. Just last year the septuagenarian Chinese Casanova, as to prove his virility has not been dashed by time, posed in a magazine photo spread surrounded by young bikini-clad models.

He has fathered three children from three different women.

He has thumbed his nose at the institution of marriage. Until this week.

Chao's respect for a traditional marriage was prompted by his daughter Gigi, 33, being quoted recently in the Beijing press saying she had married her long-time girlfriend Sean Eav earlier this year in Paris. Hong Kong currently still does not legally recognize same-sex marriages.

Rather than accepting his daughter's decision, Chao has announced a dowry-bounty of sorts: HK$500 million ($65 million US Dollars) to the man who can woo his lesbian daughter away from her wife.

"I don't mind whether he is rich or poor. The important thing is that he is generous and kind-hearted," Chao told the South China Morning Post while dismissing reports of his daughter's same-sex marriage as being "false."

"Gigi is a very good woman with both talents and looks. She is devoted to her parents, is generous and does volunteer work," he said.

His offer has been met with an enthusiastic response around the world. Within a day, Gigi's Facebook and Twitter accounts were inundated with requests and followers.

On her public facebook feed, Gigi wrote: "where do all these people come from? Jerusalm(sic)? Ethiopia? Istanbul? Ridiculous."

Meanwhile on, a shirtless reader - allegedly a Brazilian Algae-researching-mountain-climber - is interested. He wrote the website, asking for help to connect: "I think this girl is gorgeous and as I love women I am willing to fly to hk to meet with her. Can you please let me know how to arrange a meeting with them?"

Speaking to the SCMP Wednesday, Gigi Chao laughed off her father's marriage bounty, telling the newspaper she found it all "quite entertaining."

In the interview the younger Chao would not confirm or deny the rumors of her marriage and her sexual orientation.

"I'm not afraid to admit anything. But I do want to respect my parents," she told the paper.

Much of Hong Kong society maintains fairly conservative views on homosexuality. Gigi Chao acknowledges this telling the paper, "It's still an uncomfortable issue for many people."

When asked by the SCMP whether her father disapproved of her alleged same-sex marriage because his "pronounced heterosexuality," Gigi simply replied: "He loves the attention."

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Self Improvement Made Easier With These Ideas! | Medical Schools ...

Self improvement is an umbrella term that encompasses both mental and emotional improvement. If you want to reach the personal development goals you have set for yourself, you must try out different strategies to see what works for you. There are some great ideas for personal development in the article below.

It is impossible to make everyone happy; focus at least on making yourself happy. You are responsible for your own personal happiness, but this shouldn?t be at the expense of other people?s feelings. If you make sure that what you do is true to yourself and your ethics, you will be much happier with your personal development path.

Becoming healthier will help immensely during personal development. When you feel good physically, you feel better mentally and emotionally too. You?ll be able to think more clearly when you are healthy, and even save money since you will require less medical care. In other words, better health is one of the most gratifying goals you can achieve.

The secret to unlocking your happiness could be taking a few short jaunts outside of your comfort zone. Many people do not like to take chances because they don?t want to feel like a failure, so they would rather stay cemented in their comfort zone, which often leads to an unfulfilled life. Taking risks requires a lot of courage, which will help you become happy in the long run.

A positive attitude is key to personal growth. Living your life with a poor attitude will only attract more of the same to your life. Instead, be ?pragmatically positive.? This is the idea that a positive attitude will yield instrumental gain.

Always aspire to do your best at everything you do. Your passion should always lead you to aspire to greatness. It is easier to make the changes that mean the most to you, even if you aren?t the best. You should always try to be the best you can be in your profession; your self-esteem will rise as a result.

If you are trying to manage your depression, eat more foods that are high in complex carbohydrates. Serotonin can be depleted without enough complex carbs in your diet. You can accomplish this by increasing the amounts of raw vegetables and fresh fruits as well as nuts, whole grains, brown rice and assorted beans.

Read on to find out what other people do to gain success. You can avoid both personal and business mistakes by knowing the trials that others have faced. Reading about the lessons they have learned will have a positive impact on your own self improvement.

By using love, you can re-energize your faith and get closer to your personal development goals. You must have love to have faith. Therefore, you should never just be idle on your faith. Act according to your values and you will keep them alive.

Don?t worry so much. If you worry, you will just have a bad idea in your head and create more worries. Take a rational approach to your problems. Think of what the worse that could happen is and how you would deal with that. Doing so will allow you to feel ready for what may come.

Learn how not to worry. Most of the things you worry about never materialize, and creating them in the present is of no value to your personal development. As an alternative, think about what the worse case scenario could be and plan how you would cope with it. You will then be prepared and able to move forward.

A necessary component of self improvement is an understanding of your life?s ambition. Having long-term goals is great, because you could have a big change in your perspective.

Set realistic, attainable goals for yourself to ensure that you are envisioning an achievable, healthy lifestyle. If you can identify weaknesses, you can improve on them and yourself.

You cannot provide care for others unless you care for yourself. Wherever you are mentally and emotionally, always take time to relax and check in with your needs.

Take stock of your alcohol use to see if you are drinking too much. Are you a smoker, or do you regularly engage in something that is bad for you? Your body is certainly a temple, yet these types of behaviors disregard its sanctity. Try getting rid of your bad habits; it can be important to making your life better. Look at your lifestyle and what kind of habits you can eliminate.

Never forget that you are priority number one. Likewise, you cannot stress over making everyone around you happy 24/7; this is impossible no matter how hard you try. You are essentially responsible for your happiness; however, this don?t mean you should use people to get what you want. Whatever you do, make sure you follow your own values. The more you are a person who you like and respect, the happier you?ll be.

Live according to your principles. Your personality is strongly shaped and supported by these principles. If you stay on top of your morals you will have a boost in self esteem and you will have a good base to defend them. Better yet, this practice encourages consistency, which is an excellent character trait to maintain.

Head to a movie with your best friend if anxiety is a problem in your life. This is a good way to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You can be social with your friend before and after the movie and will have to be around strangers, but you won?t have to be overly social and can recharge during the movie. In addition, it enables you to accustom yourself to being in an environment with many other people.

Do not be afraid to take risks in the pursuit of happiness. It can be scary to go out of your comfort zone because of a fear of failing or rejection, though never taking risks will leave you unfulfilled. When you take a risk, you are showing yourself that you have courage, which is important to finding happiness.

Be respectful no matter how much, or how little, power the people you talk to wield over you. Your treatment of others is a direct reflection of you character.

Always retain your sense of humility. In the grand scheme of things, we are relatively insignificant. People with different experiences and different perspectives are filled with knowledge you may not have. You?ll be open to more opportunities if you know this. Keep an open mind and you will always find new things others can teach you.

Rather than boasting about your myriad medals, trophies, and awards, ask others about some of their proudest moments and most notable achievements. This will provide you valuable insight into the others around you, and enable you to see how much others contribute each and every day.

If you want to improve yourself, write down a specific list of things you want to improve. For instance, if increased self-confidence is something you desire, jot it down on your list. Sit down and try to think of ways to give yourself more self-confidence. Do your best to create the best environment for your success by looking for the kind of situations that will help you progress. You will have a high degree of success if you attack this methodically.

Leaders are powerful, yet not hungry for power. When rebukes are necessary, be gentle yet firm, and keep in mind that you must be able to serve to be able to lead effectively. The ethics of a leader are integrity and principled morals, something that others can get behind without being mislead to dubious deeds.

Do not expect to accomplish your goals and transform your life without deciding to do so and taking action. When we consciously choose to change, it is easier to do so.

Are you ready to improve your life and your persona? The biggest influence on your personal development success will be knowing the difference between good and bad tactics. As soon as you start applying the advice from this article, you should start seeing success on your self improvement journey

Your body?s health affects your mind?s health. Have healthy meals that are full of nutrients, and be sure to exercise as much as you can. Remember, a healthy, fit body can contribute to a healthy mind.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Juan Luis Guerra leads Latin Grammy nominees

FILE - In this May 4, 2012 file photo, Colombia's singer Juanes poses for photos during an interview to promote his new album "Juanes MTV Unplugged," in Mexico City. Juanes will host his own radio show on SiriusXM satellite radiofor bilingual listeners, launching Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, on Caliente channel 150 and La Kueva channel 540. The monthly show, "Juanes: F?jate Bien," will feature new music and showcase spontaneous, live jam sessions with special guests and share personal stories and anecdotes from life on the road. (AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini, file)

FILE - In this May 4, 2012 file photo, Colombia's singer Juanes poses for photos during an interview to promote his new album "Juanes MTV Unplugged," in Mexico City. Juanes will host his own radio show on SiriusXM satellite radiofor bilingual listeners, launching Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, on Caliente channel 150 and La Kueva channel 540. The monthly show, "Juanes: F?jate Bien," will feature new music and showcase spontaneous, live jam sessions with special guests and share personal stories and anecdotes from life on the road. (AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini, file)

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Dominican singer, songwriter and producer Juan Luis Guerra is the leading nominee at the 2012 Latin Grammy Awards.

A host of Latin music artists filled the Belasco Theater stage in Los Angeles Tuesday to announce the Latin Recording Academy's nominations for its 13th annual Latin Grammy honors. Mexican pop duo Jesse & Joy, Colombian rocker Juanes and Norteno group Los Tucanes de Tijuana were among the musicians participating.

Several of the presenters were also nominees. Guerra, who wasn't on stage, has six nods, followed by Jesse & Joy with five. Juanes, Ricardo Arjona, Edgar Barrera, Carla Morrison, Arturo Sandoval, Ivete Sangalo and Caetano Veloso earned four nominations apiece.

This year's awards allow for 10 nominees, rather than five, in the general categories of record, album and song of the year, as well as best new artist.

The Latin Grammy Awards are to be presented Nov. 15 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas and broadcast live on Univision.



Associated Press


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Augusta GA Jobs: Milton Ruben Automotive Jobs - ...

Bilingual Automotive Service Writer / Advisor Job Purpose:

Initiates automotive services and repairs by ascertaining performance problems and services requested; verifies warranty and service contract coverage; develops estimates; writes repair orders; maintains customer rapport and records.

Bilingual Automotive Service Writer / Advisor Job Duties:

  • Ascertains automotive problems and services by listening to customer?s description of symptoms; claries description of problems; conducts inspections; test drives; checks vehicle maintenance records; examines service schedules.
  • Verifies warranty and service contract coverage by examining records and papers; explains provisions and exclusions.
  • Develops estimates by costing materials, supplies, and labor; calculates customer?s payment, including deductibles.
  • Prepares repair orders (RO) by describing symptoms, problems, and causes discovered, as well as repairs and services required; obtains approval signatures; enters RO into service database system.
  • Maintains customer rapport by explaining estimates and expected return of vehicle; obtains customer?s approval of estimates; obtains and provides contact telephone numbers; answers questions and concerns; arranges towing and temporary transportation.
  • Maintains automotive records by recording problems and corrective actions planned.
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reads manufacturers? publications.
  • Enhances organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; explores opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

Background and skills:

  • Fluent in Spanish and English
  • A high school diploma or equivalent; minimum of two (2) years of automotive experience preferred
  • Knowledge of vehicle products and warranties; and mathematical principles (adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, and percentages) and their application
  • Superior communication and customer service skills
  • Excellent follow-through skills
  • Sales experience preferred
  • Maintaining a positive, can-do attitude
  • Ability to work in a team driven atmosphere
  • Must have a valid driver?s license and maintain an acceptable and safe driving record

If you meet all of these qualifications, please apply in person at Milton Ruben Toyota at 3514 Washington Rd., Augusta, GA. Monday-Friday only between 8am-5pm. Ask for Kevin Woodard, Service Manager.


Automotive Service Writer / Advisor Job Purpose:

Initiates automotive services and repairs by ascertaining performance problems and services requested; verifies warranty and service contract coverage; develops estimates; writes repair orders; maintains customer rapport and records.

Automotive Service Writer / Advisor Job Duties:

  • Ascertains automotive problems and services by listening to customer?s description of symptoms; claries description of problems; conducts inspections; test drives; checks vehicle maintenance records; examines service schedules.
  • Verifies warranty and service contract coverage by examining records and papers; explains provisions and exclusions.
  • Develops estimates by costing materials, supplies, and labor; calculates customer?s payment, including deductibles.
  • Prepares repair orders (RO) by describing symptoms, problems, and causes discovered, as well as repairs and services required; obtains approval signatures; enters RO into service database system.
  • Maintains customer rapport by explaining estimates and expected return of vehicle; obtains customer?s approval of estimates; obtains and provides contact telephone numbers; answers questions and concerns; arranges towing and temporary transportation.
  • Maintains automotive records by recording problems and corrective actions planned.
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reads manufacturers? publications.
  • Enhances organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; explores opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

Background and skills:

  • A high school diploma or equivalent; minimum of two (2) years of automotive experience preferred
  • Knowledge of vehicle products and warranties; and mathematical principles (adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, and percentages) and their application
  • Superior communication and customer service skills
  • Excellent follow-through skills
  • Sales experience preferred
  • Maintaining a positive, can-do attitude
  • Ability to work in a team driven atmosphere
  • Must have a valid driver?s license and maintain an acceptable and safe driving record

If you meet all of these qualifications, please apply in person at Milton Ruben Toyota at 3514 Washington Rd., Augusta, GA. Monday-Friday only between 8am-5pm. Ask for Kevin Woodard, Service Manager.



Picture Taker

We need someone to take digital photos of vehicles and upload them to our websites. Must be 21 or over. Must be able to drive all types of vehicles, automatic or stick, and up to large trucks. Will work Mon-Fri, hourly pay, in all weather conditions. Must be able to pass background check and MVR. If interested, come prepared for an interview at Milton Ruben Toyota on Washington Road, Mon-Fri, 9-5. Ask for Tim Crabb.


Milton Ruben Auto Group has been a part of the CSRA and Augusta community for 30 years. We offer a variety of benefits, including health insurance, dental, vision, cancer, disability, life and 401k, among others. Learn more about our company at!










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How To Prospect For Real Estate Leads From Your Sphere of ...


Realtor Script Coaching From Kevin Ward



There is an unlimited amount of sources for real estate agents to prospect for real estate leads, but no source is more important and more consistent, then a real estate agent?s sphere of influence. ?At Keller Williams Realty, we define a?real estate agent?s sphere of influence or SOI, as a constantly growing and evolving contact database of personal and business relationships, that a real estate agent should be ?touching? on a consistent basis. ? The most successful real estate agents understand, ?that it is their primary focus, to be considered the local real estate expert of choice, for everyone in their real estate database. ? Whether a real estate agent decides to touch their sphere of influence through personal phone calls, emails, direct mail, social media or a combination of all of these, the most important factor that will determine the success of their real estate prospecting, will be whether or not they provide value and how consistently they touch their real estate database. ? In this realtor script coaching video from KW Team Leader/Coach Kevin Ward, Kevin shares his proven strategies for prospecting for real estate leads from your sphere of influence.

Related KW Realtor Career Training:

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How To Generate More Real Estate Referral Business?

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The Best Real Estate Agent Phone Scripts

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Real Estate Career Business Planning For 2013

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Credit Agricole asked to put more cash into Emporiki before sale


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How Much IT Policy Is Too Much?

As almost everyone has probably already noticed by now, there are some radical changes going on in the way that organizations purchase, manage and use technology. Since IT is by its very nature adaptive, this is not totally unexpected. However, even though we expect technology to change, there are periods when it changes faster than others. And right now, changes are coming quickly.


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What It Takes to Get Leads from Apartment Complexes | The Niche ...


The beauty of marketing to, and getting leads from, apartment complexes is that the addresses never change, but the people who live there do, so you are constantly marketing to new people.?


I owned a mortgage company.? I also owned a buyer/broker real estate company, and at the same time, co-owned a mortgage company with a larger builder.? Over 20 percent of our leads were generated by consistently marketing to tenants who lived in apartment complexes. ?


In fact, the NAR, in their report called ?Profile of Home Buyers and Home Sellers (latest version), reports on ?Prior Living Arrangements?Before Buying a Home.? Here are the statistics:


??????????? 37%? Married Couples rented before buying a home

??????????? 49%? Single Females rented before buying a home

??????????? 47%? Single Males rented before buying a home

??????????? 58%? Unmarried couples rented before buying a home


To me, getting leads and marketing to apartment complexes is a no-brainer?when it comes to targeting the largest number of people with a single campaign. And once you have set it up as a pillar of your business, you can use it over, and over, and over again.?


But, you?ve got to do it right.?


Here are 10 things that will help you get the same results that I did!?


Tip #1 ? Consistency Is the Key!? The beauty of marketing to apartment complexes is that you are constantly marketing to new people, because tenants move in and out on a regular basis.? Send a series of 3 post cards, within 10 days of each other, in February and July, because over 60% of apartment dwellers move in May and September.?


Tip #2 ? Send Post Cards Instead of Letters. ? Post cards are easy to read and cost less money to create.? However, I recommend that the post card size be at LEAST 5? x 7? and you spend the extra money to send it first class mail.? Instead of 2-color or 4-color printing, save money by using colored card stock and print with black ink.


Tip #3 ? Create a 14-Week Mailing Campaign ? So what do you send between the months of February and July?? One of the most successful campaigns I used is one called ?7 Tips on How to Buy Real Estate.?? Mail one tip every 2 weeks.? Start on April 1, and the campaign will be completed by July 1.


Tip #4 ? The Headline Is the Key to Getting your Message Read.? One of the most effective headlines I have tested says, ?When your lease is up, do you know where you are going to live??? It?s thought-provoking because it gets people thinking about where they?re going to live when their lease expires.?


Tip #5 ? ?Give Prospects Multiple Ways to Contact You.? Not all prospects are the same!? Some want to call you and talk your head off.? Some only want to email you.? Others want to visit your website first?and then decide if they want to do business with you or not.? Consider including your cell phone number too.


Tip #6 ? Have a Follow-up Plan ? Do you have a systematic plan to keep in touch with prospects?? One of the best ways is to ASK them for permission??do you mind if I call you in 2 days to follow up?? Can I send you something in the mail?? Can I email you the information?? Can I send you a free report or white paper??? Send whatever you promised within 24 hours because timeliness is the key!


Tip #7 ? ?You?ve Gotta Have a Database ? Even if you still use 3 x 5 cards, it?s better than nothing! As your leads come pouring in the door, you need a way not only to keep in touch, but to track your conversion from prospects, straight through to the sale.? With a database, you will be able to track how long it takes from first contact until they purchase something. You can also track where your leads are coming from?real estate ads, newspaper, postcards, seminars??


Tip #8 ? ?The Internet Is Your Friend.? When choosing the ?right? apartment complex, you can find literally anything about the complex, including number of units, location, rental amounts, and the list goes on.? Check out the website for free tips on how to do your research in helping you choose ones that are most likely to respond.?


Tip #9 ? How to Check for Vacancy.? No, the apartment manager is not going to tell you that 40% of the units are vacant.? Drive through the complex around 8 pm to see how many lights are illuminated; how many cars are in the parking lot; how many grills are on the balcony or patio.? Include your return address on your post card and pay for first-class postage.? If units are vacant, the post office should notify you.?


Tip #10 ? ?Schedule Home-Buyer Seminars. Instead of spending tons of money placing an ad in your local homes magazines, send a post card to apartment complexes announcing your event with a short outline of what they will learn.? Focus on the ?wealth building?tax savings?ownership aspect of homeownership.? Stay away from mortgage programs, home inspections, title insurance?basically the technical stuff.? You?ll get more attendees if you focus on the financial and emotional benefits.?


So, if you?ve ever thought about marketing to apartment complexes, it?s the perfect storm.? Rents are rising.? Home prices are stabilizing.? Mortgage interest rates are awesome.


Karen Deis

Karen Deis

By Karen Deis,, providing apartment address mailing lists and marketing kits for real estate agents, loan officers and home builders.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

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Union asks NFL owners to end officials lockout

FILE - This Sept. 17, 2012 file photo shows Denver Broncos head coach John Fox gesturing while speaking to officials during the first half of an NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons, in Atlanta. The numbers say there isn't much difference between NFL games worked by the regular officials and the ones being worked this season by their replacements. Comments from players and coaches say otherwise. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, FIle)

FILE - This Sept. 17, 2012 file photo shows Denver Broncos head coach John Fox gesturing while speaking to officials during the first half of an NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons, in Atlanta. The numbers say there isn't much difference between NFL games worked by the regular officials and the ones being worked this season by their replacements. Comments from players and coaches say otherwise. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, FIle)

FILE - This Sept. 20, 2012 file photo shows New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin talking with official John Vachon during the fourth quarter of an NFL football game in Charlotte, N.C. A person familiar with the negotiations says the NFL and its locked-out officials have met the last two days but still remain far apart in settling their dispute. The person briefed The Associated Press on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, requesting anonymity because the negotiations are intended to remain private. (AP Photo/Bob Leverone, File)

Denver Broncos head coach John Fox, left, speaks to officials during the first half of an NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons, Monday, Sept. 17, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

(AP) ? The NFL players' union has sent an open letter to team owners calling on the league to end the lockout of on-field officials.

The players hint that the lockout could violate the collective bargaining agreement that ended their own lockout last year, citing a lack of a safe working environment.

Domonique Foxworth, president of the NFL Players Association, Drew Brees and Scott Fujita are among the union members who signed the letter. They tell the owners that the lockout "has led to a deterioration of order, safety and integrity."

They also ask why Commissioner Roger Goodell issues suspensions and fines "in the name of player health and safety" while the regular officials the league entrusts to maintain health and safety are locked out.


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Associated Press


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Yankees win thriller, beat A's on error in 14th

NEW YORK (AP) ? Raul Ibanez hit his second home run of the game during a startling rally in the 13th inning, then the New York Yankees won a thriller when first baseman Brandon Moss' two-out error in the 14th lifted them over the Oakland Athletics 10-9 Saturday.

The AL East leaders came back to hold their one-game edge over Baltimore. Down 9-5 in the 13th, the Yankees won for just the second time in team history after trailing by at least four runs in extra innings.

Oakland began the day with a 3 1-2 game lead over Los Angeles for the second AL wild-card spot. The A's still have an edge, but blew a huge opportunity and lost for the fifth time in six games.

Moments after pinch runner Melky Mesa ? in his big league debut ? missed third base and had to retreat, the Yankees found another way to win. Moss let a bases-loaded grounder by Eduardo Nunez skip off his glove, allowing Ichiro Suzuki score and ending a game that took 5 hours, 43 minutes.

Johnny Gomes, Yoenis Cespedes and Chris Carter homered in the 13th, putting the A's ahead. New York rallied in the bottom half, scoring runs on a wild pitch and Nunez's sacrifice fly before Ibanez hit a tying, two-run drive off Pat Neshek.

In a game that included a bruising hit at home plate, stellar defensive plays and even a bit of rain, the Yankees got a bit of luck to outlast the A's.

Eric Chavez led off the 14th with a single against Tyson Ross (2-10) and Mesa pinch ran. Derek Jeter sacrificed and Suzuki was walked intentionally, bringing up Alex Rodriguez.

Rodriguez singled to center, and the Yankees erupted in the dugout, sensing they had won. But Mesa stepped over third base, had to retrace a few steps and was held up.

Robinson Cano followed with a bouncer between the mound and first base. Ross lunged for the ball, spun and threw home for a forceout.

That left it up to Nunez, and he sliced a grounder toward first base. Moss slid over and was in position to make the play, but the ball bounced off his mitt and skittered away for Oakland's third error of the game.

Several of Mesa's teammates were able to laugh about the rookie's misstep after it was over, and they kidded with him as they walked off the field.

Cory Wade (1-1) pitched the 14th for the win.

Seldom-used Yankees first baseman Steve Pearce made a diving catch of a vicious line drive with the bases loaded to end the 11th inning. Oakland catcher Derek Norris withstood a violent collision with Ibanez and held onto the ball in the 12th.

All in all, it was quite a contrast to their game Friday night, when Russell Martin's solo homer in the bottom of the ninth sent the Yankees over the A's 2-1.

Gomes hit a two-run homer in the 13th that put the A's ahead. Cespedes and Carter also connected, but New York came back against an Oakland bullpen that had allowed just one run in 10 previous innings.

Ibanez had a pinch-hit homer in the fifth, ending his 0-for-18 skid and giving the Yankees a 5-4 lead.

Stephen Drew, Seth Smith and Cespedes led off the game with three straight doubles for a 2-0 lead. Suzuki then lined a one-out homer in the bottom half for his 12th hit in 16 at-bats.

NOTES: MLB made a scoring change that took a double away from Cano on Sept. 15 against Tampa Bay. Rays CF B.J. Upton will be charged with an error on Cano's ball in the eighth inning. ... A's OF Coco Crisp was out again with an eye allergy. Manager Bob Melvin says he is close but is not sure if Crisp will play this weekend. ... New York 1B Mark Teixeira took ground balls, did light jogging and took batting practice and will fly to Tampa, Fla., on Sunday to work out at the Yankees' complex. But he is still not sure when he'll be able to return. Teixeira has played just once since Aug. 27, reinjuring the calf on Sept. 8. ... Jeter extended his hitting streak to a season-high 16 with a single in the sixth.


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